Scrambling, Mountaineering & Alpine Climbing Courses in Snowdonia, North Wales
Our Scrambling (Alpine Climbing) Courses & Workshops
Below are some examples of the scrambling and mountaineering courses we run here in North Wales. Bear in mind that all courses are private, bespoke and tailored to the participants. The courses below will give you some ideas but we’re able to run any course you’d like. When you’re ready, you can either book your scrambling course online or get in touch via e-mail.
Intro To Scrambling: Grade 1
Aimed at hill walkers looking to progress to tackling graded scrambles. Grade 1 climbs generally do not require any specialist kit eg rope/harness/climbing gear. It’s all about understanding the guidebook, choosing a route and climbing well within your limits. Classic grade 1’s in North Wales include Crib Goch and the North Ridge of Tryfan.
Deploying The Rope: Grade 2-3
This course is specifically for people that have grade 1 scrambling experience and want to progress to grade 2 and beyond. Climbing equipment and a rope is a must. You can’t safely take on these routes without the right gear; sooner or later you’ll find yourself in big trouble! Learn how to move together for added safety (when done correctly), pitch short sections of difficult climbing, use natural anchors and build basic belays.
Advanced Scrambling: Grade 3+
Grade 3 and beyond. We’re basically looking at short sections of ‘easy’ rock climbing here. A grade 3+ scramble is essentially rock climbing and will not be very different to a “Diff” trad route. This course gives you a wide understanding of the various skills you’ll need including building belays, place gear/ runners to keep the leader and your partner safe, choosing routes and negotiating descents. After this you’re basically equipped to go trad climbing!
Alpine Preparation Workshop
If you’re looking to hone your skills before a trip big mountain range (think Alps etc) then this course will focus on the fundamental techniques you need to prepare for alpine climbing. We’ll be looking at moving quickly over technical terrain in big boots, likely linking some big classic scrambles and low grade trad climbs. You’ll learn about short roping, moving together and short pitching. If you’ve got a particular goal in mind like the Matterhorn we’ll teach you about the skills required to summit big mountain routes.