Sport Climbing Courses, Workshops & Guiding In Snowdonia, North Wales
Our Sport Climbing Courses & Workshops
Below are some examples of the sport climbing courses we run. Bear in mind that all sport climbing courses are private, bespoke and tailored to the participants. The courses below will give you some ideas but we’re able to run any course you’d like. When you’re ready, you can either book your sport climbing course online or get in touch via e-mail.
Indoor To Outdoor – Sport Climbing
Our basic entry to outdoor sport climbing. If you’ve climbed indoors but you don’t have the knowledge to take it outside this course is specifically aimed to get you going. You don’t need any climbing experience although we’re able to cover more if you’ve got a headstart! Best as a 1-3 day course and often includes ‘learn to lead’ elements.
Learn To Lead Sport Climbing
If you’re looking to get climbing outdoors this course will equip you with all the skills and techniques necessary. Get to grips with grades, good belaying, leading routes, threading lower-offs and escaping when you can’t complete a route. With a 2 day course you can learn most of the skills you need to get out climbing both in the UK and abroad.
Multi-Pitch Sport Climbing
The UK has a bit of multi-pitch sport but it’s only really when you travel abroad that it’s properly gets going. France, Spain, Greece, America; there’s a lot of good big-wall / mountain sport climbing out there! We’ll be looking at building belays, block/swinging leads, preventing factor 2 falls and multi-pitch abseil descents.
Sport Climbing Improver
If you already lead sport routes (at any level) but you’re looking to hone your skills this course will fast track that progress. We’ll look at climbing styles, movement, pace, on-sight and red-point climbing, strength and training ideas. Identify some of your ‘weaknesses’, be these physical or mental, and make some quick and easy improvements. It’s all about going for the low hanging fruit and maximising development opportunities. Build on your technique, fortify your mental strengths and get some guidance on improving physical strength. Most people can instantly jump a few grades without even getting any stronger.
Advanced Sport Climbing
Do you get out climbing regularly (in the F6s)? Maybe you’ve hit a plateau or you want to jump start your progression? Our advanced sport climbing course is for people that have a good level of ‘regular’ climbing experience (indoor or outdoor) and want to break-in-to or consolidate climbing F7s. Much of the course focuses on climbing technique but we will also take a look at the mental side (where some of the biggest gains can be made!) and the physical. What type of training is going to yield the quickest and best results for you?
Falling & Mental Coaching
Everyone has to deal with it at some point but unfortunately far too many climbers put it off for too long. Avoiding the issue becomes a habit, further ingraining your fear. The longer you wait the harder it is to fix, but fix it you can! Everyone is scared at some point, even the pros, but it’s how you approach this fear and cope with these issues that makes the difference.
The first step is accepting it’s affecting your climbing; do you top rope or clip stick up challenging routes you’ve not tried before, are you often scared above a bolt, are you always looking for the next bolt, do you say take instead of trying something? If these seem familiar you might want to turn around and face the issue before it’s too late!
Our mental coaching doesn’t have to be about falling or even leading. We will look at addressing any anxieties so that climbing can become fun and enjoyable again! Fear of failure? Maybe it’s exposure? Maybe you’re worried about other people watching you? It doesn’t matter, now’s this time to confront the issue!
On-sight Climbing Workshop
The gold standard! On-sight climbing draws on every tool in a climbers arsenal. Not only do you need strength and endurance but you also need to be able to correctly read the climbing ahead, commit to cruxes with total conviction, take every rest possible, focus purely on the climbing and forget about falling, failure or thinking about where the bolt is. All of this has to happen when your body is on the limit; there’s minimal room for thought here. This is the flow state!
Advanced Movement Coaching
Climbing IS movement; the sooner you understand this the sooner you can begin to explore it with focus and curiosity in equal measure. As Dave Macleod says; “it’s a humbling and/or frustrating experience having someone effortlessly warm up on your ‘project’ having seen that you are stronger than them!”. Many climbers are ‘strong for the grade’ and there are some easy improvements to be made that will help you jump a grade or two. It’s all about moving with conviction and efficiency. Movement is the hardest thing to learn; you don’t know what you don’t know and it’s often difficult to work out whats ‘wrong or right’ (because there’s often no a black and white answer). Mastering movement is what it’s all about, it’s what bring us true joy and one of the main reasons we all climb.