Trad Climbing Courses, Workshops & Guiding
Our Trad Climbing Courses
Below are some examples of the trad climbing courses we run. Bear in mind that all trad climbing courses are private, bespoke and tailored to the participants. The courses below will give you some ideas but we’re able to run any course you’d like. When you’re ready, you can either book your trad climbing course online or get in touch via e-mail.
Intro To Trad
Take your first steps in to the world of trad climbing. Maybe you climb indoors or sport and you’d like to expand your horizons? Maybe you’ve never climbed before? This course is designed to get you rock climbing! Get to grips with the basic system and learn how to keep yourself safe. There’s plenty of gear to acquainted with, and a handful of knots you need to know. No experience necessary, we will progress at whatever pace is suitable for you.
Learn To Lead Trad Climbing
If you want to learn to lead trad routes this is course will give you the skillset required to keep you and your climbing partner safe. Learn about single and double rope systems, how to place reliable gear and build unquestionably strong belays. We will look at the UK grading system and how to understand the guidebook. There’s no limit to the amount we can teach you on this course. With so much to learn this is best experienced over 3 days.
Multipitch Trad Climbing
Whilst many aspects are similar to single pitch climbing, there are quite a few extra system necessary to make multi-pitch climbing safe and efficient. This builds on the learn to lead course and adds in extra techniques like block leading, equalised belays and how to retreat if you can’t complete the climb.
Trad Climbing Improver
Specifically geared towards climbers that already have experience leading routes but would like to sharpen their skills, improve safety and gain confidence. We will build on what you already know, broadening your skillset. Ideal for climbers operating in the V-Diff to Very Severe range.
Advanced Trad Climbing
Push your trad climbing skills to the next level. If you’re looking to break in to the ‘Extreme” grades this is your course. Ideal for participants already climbing at around the Very Severe level. Safety is critical if you’re going to start trying hard and you’re likely going to fall off soon if you haven’t already; you need to be safe, your system are about to get tested in anger! This is all about the leader; placing good gear, directional runners, assessing the rock, executing cruxes. It’s great fun!
Falling On Trad & Mental Coaching
This one’s a big subject! Our Falling On Trad course is specifically designed to help you understand all the variables that you need to take in to account if you’re going to start falling off. Is your gear good? Will it unzip? Have you got a directional piece or a ground anchor? Is your gear extended to stop it lifting?
Our mental coaching doesn’t have to be about falling or even leading. If you’re an anxious climber then we will look at addressing these issues so that climbing can become fun and enjoyable again! Fear of falling or fear of failure? Maybe it’s exposure, maybe you think it’s irrational (worried the rope will break)? It doesn’t matter, nows this time to confront the issue!
Sea Cliff Climbing
This is essentially multi-pitch climbing in a more committing and serious setting. Often climbs have a tidal approach and traditional retreat isn’t always an option. It’s not unusual to have to abseil in to access. Get to grips with the extra skills needed to take on some sea cliff climbing adventures – many consider sea cliff climbing in the UK is amongst the best worldwide!
Self Rescue For Trad Climbers
This one is VERY useful! With a small toolbox of skills and techniques, most climbers could sort out most of their own problems or avoid them altogether. Some of the master building blocks include ascending/ descending a rope (maybe past a knot or a cut section), escaping the system (leaving the belay), hoisting your partner and retrieving stuck gear or ropes.